This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (and for this we labor and strive) that we have put our hope in the living God who is the Savior of all, and especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 3:9-10
Friday, September 21, 2007
Reflections from a family vacation
When we arrived at the house we rented "Dolphin View" we were thrilled! Josh and Stephanie had gone ahead on Saturday and opened the house ready for our arrival.
The next five days established the memories I had longed for. Each morning Josh, Stephanie and Danielle made their way across the dunes and laid out on the beach. They enjoyed the time splashing in the Atlantic Ocean!
Sharron and I spent very little time at the beach - but lots of time holding our granddaughter and enjoying quiet moments together. We needed this time together. The separation caused in our current situation has caused a stress in our lives that we have not experienced since the early days of beginning ministry.
We appreciate the linens, beach chairs and "stuff" loaned to us by Phil and Joanie Richards. Once again they have expressed kindness to our family. A deep sense of loneliness came over me when the vacation ended by driving to Raleigh to retrieve Danielle's car and then see her, Alyse and Sharron depart for Indian Trail. On Sunday morning I struggled to go to church (wow - that's being transparent) -but God reminded me that I am the PASTOR. When I stood to preach on Sunday I felt an unusual anointing of the Holy Spirit and a real freedom to preach.
I remained in Raleigh through Thursday of this week. I jumped in with both feet to tackle several administrative task and responsibilities in the office. It was good to meet with each pastoral staff member individually and then together at our weekly staff meeting. The church board meeting on Tuesday evening began with 45 minutes in prayer. I departed the Richards' home on Thursday and today I am at Josh and Stephanie's house in Indian Trail. It is good to be with Sharron again and to enjoy our family. I am looking forward to preaching on Sunday as we continue in our series of messages entitled The Church That God Designed as we survey the book of 1 Thessalonians.
On Sunday we will look at First Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:13 As Sharron and I have gone through the experience of not have a home of our own and my commuting twice a week between Raleigh and Indian Trail we have faced tensions. stress and obstacles that we have not faced before. It has been difficult to stay content in these times, but God is continually proving His faithfulness to us. Paul said to those in the church " Night and day we pray most earnestly that God will supply that which is lacking in your faith." ( 1 Thess. 3:10b) There are three aspects to the prayer Paul prays for us. He prays that we might have a strong relationship with God; an ever-growing love for all people; and steadfastness in faith.
WOW! These my friends, are truly Trustworthy Statements! Check back again after Sunday!
Oh, by the way, now this my blog site is linked to the web site of the church - please post a comment that let me know you stopped by. Thanks PR
Friday, September 7, 2007

- Think about it !
Sorry for the long delay in returning to my blog. As I shared in my last blog entry, Sharron and I were in Concordia, KS for the trail of Pastor Brian Sprung. One aspect of this experience was that I was sequestered for two days. When I was able to testify the time on the stand was very brief. Sharron and I departed Kansas to return to North Carolina for an expected time of great service at North Raleigh. Then came a time for tears.
My heart was deeply saddened by the news of death of Greg Wright. Greg Wright, 44, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, August 22, 2007. Greg is survived by his wife, Suellen Russo Wright and children, Kevin and Erin. He was known for his quick wit and great sense of humor. He was an avid woodworker and tennis player. His love for Christ was expressed in his role as an outstanding husband and father. He provided never ending support for those in need. He was most proud of watching his children play sports, and his ability to provide for his family. The funeral for Greg took place on Sunday August 26th at North Raleigh. I had only spoken to Greg once. Truly, I was moved by the memorial service. I was thankful to have the opportunity to pray with Suellen and the family on that day. I was also very moved by the response of the members of their small group and the family of North Raleigh. The installation service by Dr. Mark Barnes has been rescheduled for last Sunday of October.
Another time for tears occurred after hearing the news of the verdict in the Brian Sprung case. I received a phone call from Kansas District Superintendent Ed Rotz notifying me that the jury found Brain guilty on four felony counts. Brian is current incarcerated in the Cloud County Jail awaiting his sentencing hearing on October 1st. Brian has served in pastoral ministry for over 25 years. I have only known him as a person living above reproach. This decision of the justice system is very disturbing. My heart breaks for Brian and his family during this difficult time. I also pray for those who brought these charges against him. It is a reminder to me as a pastor how fragile ministry really is. I thank God every day for the privilege to serve Him and ask God to protect me and keep my heart and mind pure in Him. I strive daily to live to the praise of my Savior.
I am very thankful for the privilege of serving as Lead Pastor of North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. When I think of the journey Sharron and I have been on for the past 6 months I am so happy to be in pastoral ministry. Sharron told me recently that she has seen the joy in my preaching at North Raleigh. As I prayed last evening tears came to my eyes as I shared my thanks to God. If you would like to hear my most recent message click here:
TEARS OF JOY came forth on September 1st as our grand daughter Alyse celebrated her six month birth day. Sharron, Stephanie and Alyse met me last Friday in Lexington, NC saving me the drive to Indian Trail. We met at one of our favorite "grandpa" spots - Cracker Barrel.
YES - That is a BIG SMILE on my face as I hold Alyse. Of course she is looking around at other "stuff". She is very observant but when she looks up at me with those deep blue eyes - tears of joy often fill my eyes. I love my family so much.
Finally - the reason I shared with entry with the title of A Time for Tears.
I am sitting in the family room of my new friends - Phil and Joanne Richards. They are in Richmond, Va. and have opened their home to provide me a place to stay in the Raleigh area. (Thanks for the chocolate ice cream!) Sharron, Danielle and Alyse arrive in Raleigh tomorrow as Josh and Stephanie travel to Topsail Beach to open the rental house for our vacation. On Sunday I begin a new series of messages at North Raleigh. We plan to depart after the service for a family vacation on Topsail Beach, NC. When I asked the home owner how close the house we have rented is to the water of the Atlantic Ocean - I was pleased with her response of "only 19 paces!"
Tonight - Friday evening - I am alone and for the first time in several weeks watching a fresh episode of MONK on USA network. YES - tears were in my eyes as I laughed out loud. It never fails - Monk always makes me laugh! This episode reminds me that we all make mistakes - we are only human.
These my friends are trustworthy sayings...