Here is what I understand are the rules of a tag:
- When tagged place the name of the person that tagged you and the URL on your blog
- Write 7 random facts about yourself.
- Name 7 bloggers that you are tagging.
7 random facts about Rick Hudgens
1. I am a Monkaholic. I watch or DRV every episode of the TV program Monk. I have on DVD every season that is available. When I get stressed out or need to "step away" from the pressures of life I escape into a room and watch Monk. My wife and kids make fun of me because I have even laughed at the commericals for an upcoming episode. However, I am not alone - Monk is coming to NBC on Sunday nights beginning April 6th.
2. At this moment I have 46 friends on my FACEBOOK page. I am preparing for a min-series of messages about friendship and the need for connection in the believer's life. I decided to check out FACEBOOK and set up a Facebbok page. WOW - it really caught on. I am amazed who is on facebook. I am very pleased that I already have 46 friends. I now check my facebook page every day. It feels good to say. "Thanks for being my friend."
3. I miss being able to run. I was never much of a runner. I would get up early and go for a run only to come home an puke my guts out. I tried to stay active and healthy. When my thyroid became non functioning and the weight came on it was a major life change for me. The past 7 years my weight has not varied more than 10 lbs.I began a new weight loss strategy which includes not weighing yourself for a week. When the week passed I stepped on the scales to discover I had gained 1 lbs. I am making necessary life changes including diet and exercise but I have to admit, I am fat and I miss being able to run. I wonder if it began when I started walking on the golf course instead of running on the court? Now I can't imagine being able to run on the court without the possibility of a heart attack.
4. I am a churchaholic. I love church! On a trip to California a number of years ago I took Sharron with me to 5 different churches for their services in a 24 hour period. One weekend of visiting some of America's greatest churches. I love vibrant, celebrative worship that stirs my heart to praise, and I love songs of faith that inspire me to continue in my walk with God. I long for preaching that is Bible based but not boring and moves my spirit.
5. I usually get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. I have a great internal alarm clock and I am blessed with the ability to lay my head upon the pillow and within 4 minutes be sound asleep. Usually about 8 hours later I arise to face the day.
6. I have a favorite cereal bowl that I purchased when I was in college. I still use this bowl. Sharron laughs at me that I use this old bowl. She comments that I have had that bowl longer than I've known her. Well, I really love my cereal bowl.
7. I recently got a note and a book from my good friend John Maxwell. It brought back a memory of one of my earliest times with John. Sharron and I were married and living in an apartment in Charlotte, NC. John came to speak at our church and stayed in our home. We were sitting in the living room talking and causally watching the winter Olympics on TV. Soon our attention went towards the television as John and I watched the 1980 U.S. Olympic Ice Hockey Team and their victory over the Soviet Union at the Winter Games in Lake Placid, New York. It is a night I will not soon forget.
Though I am not tagging 7 additional bloggers - I am requesting 7 people to comment. THANKS