Yesterday we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Mother's Day in the United States. At North Raleigh we honored all Moms. I enjoyed a pastor's moment with the children as I encouraged then to tell their moms they love them, and then show it by their actions. The sermon I preached was directed to everyone who has been affected by Motherhood. I address the message to everyone who HAS a mother, HAD a mother, IS a mother, is MARRIED to a mother or knows a mother.

At Hudgens' Haven here in Raleigh our granddaughter Alyse came for a visit over the weekend. Sharron and I had a wonderful time with her. It is amazing to watch her grow physically as she now walks around as a toddler. Her personality continues to develop as she demonstrates her preferences and makes known her likes and dislikes. We loved it when she comes to visit. It brings great joy into our lives.
She had her first visit to the nursery at North Raleigh this past Sunday. Sharron had planned to take her to our nursery but it did become necessary when I stood to make the announcements and she began to call "Papa". We love Alyse.

Our daughters: Danielle and Stephanie and our son-in-law Josh came to be with us for Sunday afternoon. We went out for an early dinner; to avoid the busiest day on the year at restaurants. When we placed our order it was time for Sharron to open her Mother's Day cards. She opened one from Stephanie and Josh, and then one from Alyse. She saved the card I gave her for last - so she then opened the card from Danielle. With that, we all broke out in laughter. It has been some time since we saw the "twin" action from our girls.

You guessed it! They gave Sharron the exact same card! It just a reminder of how Danielle and Stephanie are so uniquely different, yet in so many ways alike. We love them both so much.
I stated yesterday that worry is a part of being a mother. We always worry about the ones we love. Genuine concern, empathy and regard is always important to have for others. It is important that we not allow our worry to consume us and become the focal point of life. Here are words of encouragement to consider:
Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful that happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." (Philippians 4:6-7 Message)
These, my friends, are truly trustworhty sayings.
PS Here is a video I thought about showing as a tribute to all moms - but I had others. But this is to say thanks to all moms. ENJOY: