Thursday, April 22, 2010

Update on baby Jordan

Sharron and I are still amazed at the birth of our first grandson. Danielle is doing very well. Jordan was taken to the hospital following his first visit with his doctor. His body temperature is below normal. We are so pleased with the excellent care he is receiving at the hospital in Concord, NC.

The Children's Hospital is possible in part by the Jeff Gordon Foundation. Today as I held baby Jordan in my hands I was once again amazed by the miracle of God. He is so tiny - now weighing in at about five lbs. We are greatly encouraged that his body temperature continues to increase. We hope will be discharged to go go home soon. Sharron and I want to express our appreciation for the many acknowledgements of prayer and support.
Tomorrow we get the chance to spend some time with our precious Alyse as her mom - Stephanie - is at her weekly doctor's appointment. In two weeks we will plan to be at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte for the birth of our third grandchild. We are very excited about the upcoming birth of Breeley May. We are planning on returning to Raleigh on Saturday and I believe God has placed a message in my heart to present on Sunday morning.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Sharron

Happy Birthday to Sharron. I want to be sure and express my love for Sharron. God brought her into my life when I was a youth pastor at a church in Charlotte, NC. I had just graduated from college. Sharron had just earned her RN degree and was recruited by a hospital in Charlotte. It was almost love at first sight. We began to date within days after meeting and were married five months later. That was the summer of 1978. God blessed us with twin daughters in November 1980 as we began our family. We departed Charlotte in 1981 to move to the Northern Virginia area.

God has blessed our 32 years of marriage. On Sharron birthday I once again want to express my love and admiration for her.

Sharron has been in Charlotte with our daughter Danielle to assist her following the birth of her first child. We continue to pray for baby Jordan. He was born on Friday April 16th and not discharged from the hospital until Tuesday April 20. When Jordan went for his first doctor's appointment he was taken to the local hospital due to his low body temperature. Test are underway to determine if infection is present. We love little Jordan and pray for his body to continue to grow and develop.

As Sharron held Jordan within the first hour of his life I saw once again, her caring spirit and deep love. Sharron had taken Danielle to the doctor's office for her appointment on Thursday afternoon and then remained at the hospital with Danielle until after Jordan's birth on Friday morning at 10:36am After going over 24 ours with little or no sleep - she was finally able to hold her newly born grandson.

Happy Birthday Sharron - I love you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Welcome Jordan Bolder

Have you heard the good news? Our oldest daughter Danielle gave birth to our first grand son today at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte NC.

To see the pictures and factual account of this day check out the excellent posting on our daughter Stephanie's blog.

It was a warm day on November 1, 1980 that Danielle and Stephanie were born - at the same hospital - (Presbyterian Hospital) in Charlotte NC. On that day I was speechless. Many people thought it was quite humorous that I could not find the words to say to express my emotions. I feel very similar to that today. The emotions are high and deep. My daughter has given birth to our grand son. WOW!

Here is one of my favorite pictures I took earlier this week of Stephanie and Danielle.

On Friday morning at 10:16 Danielle gave birth to her first child. Danielle and Jessie are proud parents of Jordan Bolder!

Stephanie is expecting her second child in just three weeks. The room today was filled with happiness and smiles.

Baby Jordan is quite small at 5 lbs 8 ozs. and 19 inches long.

We welcome Jordan into our world! Sharron and I are very excited. We are praying for the very best in our grandson's life. My world has been blessed with a loving and caring wife. She is my best friend and the love of my life. We have walked together for over 32 years. Sharron is the mother of my children. We are blessed with two beautiful daughters: Danielle and Stephanie. Having twin daughters has provided some unique experiences for us. To have both our daughter's pregnant at the same time has been one of those experiences. Stephanie and her husband Josh has blessed our lives. Their first born child is our first grandchild. Alyse is the joy of our lives!
We have tried our best to welcome Jessie and his daughter Jayden with open arms into our family. Today, I am overcome with emotions and tears as we welcome Jordan in our lives.
I am filled with joy and excitement as God has brought this little one into our world.
I hope to have many times of holding and praying for my grandson.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My heart of worship for Resurrection Sunday

On the evening before Resurrection Sunday I am preparing my heart for the worship experience at NRN. I am listening to some of my favorite songs of the past that still stir my heart. Hope you enjoy this simple worship experience: