Today was awesome at NRN!
Pastor Jordan Unfried and the student ministries worship team led us into the presence of the Lord. It was so great to see these students on the platform leading us in worship.
Kathryn, Alana, Michal and Annalise were
the vocalist that led us in worship.
Pastor Jordan led the vocals and played the guitar.
Jonathan and Sarah were awesome on the electric and bass guitars. Moses and Esdras rounded out the band on the conga and drums.
A season of prayer fell upon us as we prayed for the students leaving middle school and entering into high school. Then for the high school graduates as they face their future as young adults. This was followed by a pastoral prayer time and then a time of communal worship by taking communion.
Then Pastor Jordan brought a great message about the need for communal worship and service. It was with a gentle and humble spirit that he presented the Word of the Lord.

Following the worship experience several us of went out to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. It was an early day of fun and laughter with our grand daughter Alyse with us.

One other observation about our worship experience today: I was introduced to a couple who attended our worship experience this past February. They had not returned, nor did they turn in an attendance card. This means I was unable to contact then following their first visit to NRN. One of the several comments they shared with me today was that something seemed different in our church. They commented that they were impressed with the changes we had made. When I inquired about what changes - they simply responded "We feel the presence of God in this place."
I believe God is moving in our midst. It seems God's house is turning into a house of prayer and God's presence is with us.
I close with the words of Hebrews 10:25:
You should not stay away from the church meetings, as some are doing, but you should meet together and encourage each other. Do this even more as you see the day[a] coming.
a.Hebrews 10:25 day The day Christ will come to judge all people and take his people to live with him.