Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What in the world is God doing?

Today is another day in our journey of transition. Early in March I withdrew my name from consideration to continue as District Superintendent of the Kansas District of the Wesleyan Church. I sensed a clear leading of God that it was time for a change. Sharron and I love our close friends and ministry partners in Kansas. There are many good memories established in our hearts and minds. Concluding six years of ministry in Kansas brought a time of decision. At that time my heart yearned to return to my family ties in North Carolina. My six years in Kansas brought forth a fruitful ministry and I feel God is pleased with our service there. Several personal times of heartache accompanied our time there. The death of my closest and best friend - Larry Ford - as he succumbed to cancer took place within hours of me beginning this time of service in Kansas. The void left in my heart was deep.

God granted a new friend - Pastor Rich McLean - to meet the immediate need for close friendship and comrade. With the unexpected death of Pastor Rich I wondered if I could continue in ministry in Kansas. Within nine months my mother passed away and I discovered a deep desire to return to North Carolina.

Our precious daughters, Danielle and Stephanie (along with our son-in-law Josh) had all followed the call back to Charlotte, NC. On March 1, 2007 - everything changed! The birth of our first grandchild - Alyse Nicole - pretty well sealed the deal. All it took was a slight tug - and I began this journey. It feels like taking a GIANT step of faith - off the cliff - with no safety net in sight.

You ask - "Why would you just abandon your job and security without a prospect of employment?" Well - a picture is better than words. Please note the smile on my face as I hold my tiny granddaughter Alyse on her 3 month birthday.

I thought God was clearly opening a door of opportunity - only to see it close. Then the cycle repeated itself - again - and - again. At this point my resume is under consideration at two opportunities in North Carolina - and today a call from a Wesleyan DS created a possible open door at a great church searching for a new
pastor. This church is ten hours away from Charlotte. I am on my knees and asking God for the direction I need. I seek the favor of God as never before. I want to be found in the very center of God's will! Today, I pray for God's desire - not mine - to rule the direction of my life and ministry. My heart was greatly blessed today when I received an email for an unlikely source as a person I did not have on my prayer list contacted Sharron and me to let us know we were being prayed for. It brought tears to my wife's eyes.

I want to be very careful as I linger in "God's waiting room". I am reminded of the doctors telling Stephanie that Alyse would be born in mid-February. Each week they indicated it was "any time now". Alyse did not arrive until late evening on March 1. I know that God is NEVER late - yet seldom early. God's timing is not mine - I must wait upon the Lord. In my heart I ask: "What in the world is God doing?" My trust is in Him. The verse that has encouraged me often - a favorite of my daughter Stephanie:

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:5-8

I look forward to reading your comments.


  1. Thanks for alerting me to your new blog. Be assured that you and Sharron are in my prayers. God has never failed either of us before. I remember three years ago where you are today as I wondering about God's direction. HE WILL OPEN THE DOOR IN HIS TIME. Be still (quiet) and know that He is God.

    I have also recently created a blog about my new interim ministry work. Check it out at:

    Enjoyed our visit last week,

    Doug Dennis

  2. Rick,
    I don't know if you remember me but I used to hang out at your house in Sturgis MANY times to hang out with your daughters, my name is Chris Kirsch. Well that isn't my name now I'm married (3 years) to a wonderful man and on January 25th we had our first child, a girl named Megan. I'm so happy to be able to hear from you and Stephanie through your blogs. It's great. And I just wanted to say I'm glad that you are letting your faith and God take you through this time. Faith is a great thing. And I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and Sharon too. I miss you both! I'll talk to you later Boyfriend (if you remember)

    God Bless,
    Chris Rohrs

  3. Dear Pastor Rick and Sharron,
    It wasn't that long ago that we were asking questions of God. He used both of you in a mighty way to give us the answers.
    I know you will follow God's leading. He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). We will pray that you will see clearly His path for you.

    In God's Love,
    Debbie Rutler
