Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Faith for the Future

The time is approaching for Sharron and I to pack the car and head out for North Carolina. It's time for another chapter of our life to begin. Today we met with our realtor, Jerry Brosius about our home for sale in Topeka. We think the trimming of the tree in the front of our house has made a great difference. If you want to know more about our listing - check out the website for our realtor Just click on My Listings and go to 6453 SW 24th St.
This is now our outstanding prayer request. Until we are able to sell our house in Topeka, we are limited to rent or purchase a home in Raleigh. We have an open house scheduled for Sunday August 5th. As I preach my first sermon as Lead Pastor of North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene - our house in Topeka will be featured in an open house. We are trusting God for the sale of our house.
It seems that Josh and Stephanie will once again open their hearts ( and their spare room) for Sharron and I to move in. Already invitations are coming from people at NRN (North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene) for Sharron and I to stay in their homes and even the possibility of hotels over the weekends to prepare for Sunday mornings. One faithful church member has stated "We don't want you guys to feel like you're homeless..." Sharron and I realize we are not homeless - it's just our house is in Topeka, KS. We also realize it is a difficult transition but we are so excited about going home to NC and my heart is being stirred with the reality of pastoral ministry.
These final days in Topeka are hectic and emotional. My heart was greatly touched by the phone call of our good friend Pastor Mark McGregor who called to say goodbye and encourage me. Tomorrow I meet with Pastor Alfredo Barreno to say farewell to this good friend. As the Kansas District of the Wesleyan Church gathers for the annual Conference - Sharron and I will be packing my books and vacating the Ministry Center. The reality of departure is stirring many emotions. I have loved being a DS. I deeply care for the pastors of the Kansas District. As the new DS is elected on Friday July 27th I wish to state my support with deep respect and admiration for Pastor Ed Rotz. May all who come behind us find us faithful.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." and I know that "Without faith it is impossible to please God..." (Heb. 11:6) These are days of uncertainty for Sharron and I as we make this transition to Raleigh. We are trying not to be overwhelmed but keeping our focus (fix our eyes) on JESUS the author, source, perfecter, completer, our of faith. (Heb. 12:2) We have faith for the future.
These my friends, are trustworthy sayings!

1 comment:

  1. I just read your blog and was encouraged. It contains many trustworthy sayings. Thanks for the recognition! You and Sharron will be in our thoughts and prayers as you transition. Raleigh is going to be great for you and you are going to be a great blessing for Raleigh!!!
