Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We're not in Kansas anymore

I realize I am not the originator of that phrase. In 1930 those words were penned by Frank L. Baum in his children's book entitled "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". This book was later made into a film in 1939 by MGM - in Technicolor -(released August 23, 1939) and as soon as "Dorothy" (played by 17 year old Judy Garland) arrived in the fantasy word of Oz the first words she spoke were: "Toto. I I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Those words were echoed more recently in the 1996 song by Jo Dee Messina - "You're not in Kansas anymore." For Rick and Sharron Hudgens - these are more than quaint words - truly - We are not in Kansas anymore!

On Saturday July 28 Sharron and I arose early from a short sleepless night. The toll from the physical work in the house and vacating our personal items from the Kansas District Ministry Center became evident. The emotional toll was even greater. We departed from our house at 10:00am as a realtor arrive to show the house to a young couple. Sharron and I went for our last meal at Cracker Barrel and said goodbye to several there who have become friends. We then returned home and packed the car for our trip to Charlotte, NC. As we departed Topeka our hearts and minds were filled with good thoughts and memories of a time well spent and the blessings of ministry. No large fanfare to say goodbye, we felt it we just slipped away into the next stage of the transition.

With each mile we travelled we became more excited about the reality that we were returning home to North Carolina. We departed NC on April 1, 1981 to never hold residence there again until now. What does it mean to us to go home?

FIRST - and most important - is the call of God upon our lives to continue in the Lord's service. I am excited about my newly established position with New Church Specialities and the opportunity to make an impact in the lives of pastors and churches. I admit - I am anxious about full time pastoral ministry again. My heart is burring to preach and I believe God is giving me a clear vision for the direction of North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. The welcome from the Church as already begun. (I invite you to click on the web site - look to your right- and check out the welcome for us!) Tomorrow is my first day in the office and Sunday my first message as Lead Pastor. I am believing for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the service. I pray the altars will be lined with people praying as the service comes to a close.

SECOND - Family. I am trying to grasp the reality that Sharron and I will be less than 2 hours from our family. When Josh and Stephanie moved to Charlotte, North Carolina Sharron and I began to think about when we should return to NC. When Danielle made the decision to relocate to North Carolina, Sharron and I once again began to think about when we should relocate. In 2005 my mother passed away and for the first time in my adult life my two brothers met with me individually and asked if I would ever return to NC. They had missed seeing our girls grow up into adulthood and Sharron and I had missed seeing my niece and nephews growing up.

Our closest friends - Joyce Ford, and Doug and Joy Huber and family began to ask if we were thinking about ever coming back to North Carolina. On March 1, 2007 Alyse Nicole came into the world. When I returned to Kansas the next week and met with Dr. Jerry Pence - General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church about my upcoming election for the continuing of my service as DS - the emotions were high. Sharron and I prayerfully decided that now was the time to bring our ministry to a close in Kansas so I withdrew my name from consideration as DS.

With that, the journey began which brought us to this moment. We're not in Kansas anymore.

We are now living in the guest room of our daughter and son-in-law Josh. We are not homeless - it's just all our belongings and our house for sell is still in Topeka, Kansas. As Sharron and I discussed this today we were reminded that when we accepted the position as DS in Kansas (July 30, 2001) we did not actually arrive to our new home in Kansas until the morning of September 11th. We believe we will be moving into our new home in Raleigh before the middle of September 2007. Until that time, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want, I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." ( Philippians 4:11-13 NIV)

My faith and trust are in Him who continually proves Himself faithful to us. I speak of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, These, my friends, are indeed, trustworthy sayings.

Oh, by the way: the final words the character Dorothy said in the movie "The Wizard of Oz" was..."There's no place like home". As we crossed the state line into North Carolina, Sharron looked at me and asked , "Do you feel like you're home". I smiled, and with tears in my eyes responded, "YES". A few hours later we held Alyse in our arms and knew we had made the right decision to relocate to NC.


  1. Pastor Rick,
    Thank you for sharing your heart and your journey. It seems that the Lord has definitely had this plan in mind, though emotional, we have come to realize too that our Father knows exactly what is best for us. His plans are great and He is faithful, this you know. Waiting, though difficult, is what He asks us to do and follow His lead. We are so excited about this new season in your life and the life of the ministry that the Lord has called you to. Make the most of all the opportunities that the Lord is giving you, we are not promised a tomorrow and what we have is today. I remember the day you called us and shared about the local church we are now serving, we had been waiting on the Lord's direction and your call seem to be an open door. WE look back and praise the Lord for your obedience to call. I believe that you would be pleased to know that this local church is working through healing, restoration and reconcilliation, becoming, I say becoming a healthy church.

    It is and will always be about the Lord, He is doing a great thing here, we are seeing great things in the life of this local church.

    You will always have a special place in our hearts, please know that we are prayn4u and hope to stay connected. Remember that there will be no more parting over there!!!!

    Pastor Mark & Marcelle Hamel

  2. Rick, Just to set the record straight...I moved to Charlotte first! You guys all are following me!
