Friday, September 21, 2007

Reflections from a family vacation

Sorry for the long delay in my posting. On September 9th I preached during the morning service at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. You can hear this message at Soon after the worship service Sharron, Danielle, Alyse and I departed for North Topsail Beach on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I did not have Internet access for almost a week.

When we arrived at the house we rented "Dolphin View" we were thrilled! Josh and Stephanie had gone ahead on Saturday and opened the house ready for our arrival.

The next five days established the memories I had longed for. Each morning Josh, Stephanie and Danielle made their way across the dunes and laid out on the beach. They enjoyed the time splashing in the Atlantic Ocean!

Sharron and I spent very little time at the beach - but lots of time holding our granddaughter and enjoying quiet moments together. We needed this time together. The separation caused in our current situation has caused a stress in our lives that we have not experienced since the early days of beginning ministry.

We appreciate the linens, beach chairs and "stuff" loaned to us by Phil and Joanie Richards. Once again they have expressed kindness to our family. A deep sense of loneliness came over me when the vacation ended by driving to Raleigh to retrieve Danielle's car and then see her, Alyse and Sharron depart for Indian Trail. On Sunday morning I struggled to go to church (wow - that's being transparent) -but God reminded me that I am the PASTOR. When I stood to preach on Sunday I felt an unusual anointing of the Holy Spirit and a real freedom to preach.

I remained in Raleigh through Thursday of this week. I jumped in with both feet to tackle several administrative task and responsibilities in the office. It was good to meet with each pastoral staff member individually and then together at our weekly staff meeting. The church board meeting on Tuesday evening began with 45 minutes in prayer. I departed the Richards' home on Thursday and today I am at Josh and Stephanie's house in Indian Trail. It is good to be with Sharron again and to enjoy our family. I am looking forward to preaching on Sunday as we continue in our series of messages entitled The Church That God Designed as we survey the book of 1 Thessalonians.

On Sunday we will look at First Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:13 As Sharron and I have gone through the experience of not have a home of our own and my commuting twice a week between Raleigh and Indian Trail we have faced tensions. stress and obstacles that we have not faced before. It has been difficult to stay content in these times, but God is continually proving His faithfulness to us. Paul said to those in the church " Night and day we pray most earnestly that God will supply that which is lacking in your faith." ( 1 Thess. 3:10b) There are three aspects to the prayer Paul prays for us. He prays that we might have a strong relationship with God; an ever-growing love for all people; and steadfastness in faith.

WOW! These my friends, are truly Trustworthy Statements! Check back again after Sunday!

Oh, by the way, now this my blog site is linked to the web site of the church - please post a comment that let me know you stopped by. Thanks PR


  1. I'm enjoying staying in touch with your current life and ministry. Keep up the good work!

  2. Pastor Rick,
    We appreciate you and your ministry so much at NRN. Our family continues to pray that your house in KS will sell so that you and Sharron can find a more permanent home here in Raleigh. It is difficult to be separated from family! We appreciate your sincere, cheerful and upbeat spirit in spite of the present circumstances you are facing. God is faithful, and His timing is always perfect. Looking forward to a great service tomorrow-
    Troy and Melinda Bourdon

  3. Pastor Rick,

    I've been reading your blog since before you interviewed at our church (I'm a blog junkie :-)) I also enjoy reading Stephanie's, especially since our daughters are so close in age (mine are almost 11 months).

    Anyway, we do appreciate your ministry and know God's timing is perfect. We lived here for 2 years before our house in California sold. But we know it was His will for us to be here all these years. We'll step up the prayers!

    See you bright and early tomorrow morning (I'm on the praise team).

    Tina (a.k.a. "the twins' mom")

  4. Pastor Rick,
    Been reading your blog - trying to catch up w/ how you & Sharron are doing. Midge & I will also start praying your house will sell in Topeka. I'm excited you were able to move back to the South. I'm assuming there will be a lot of "You alls" in your vocabulary again. Can't wait to listen to your sermons again. Many Blessings to you & Sharron. Jim H.

  5. Rick - Hope that beach house is as great as you say. We just reserved it for next June!

