Monday, January 7, 2008

LIVING LARGE - A life of generosity

On Sunday January 6,2008 I began a new series of messages entitled: The Apprentice: Learning the business of stewardship.

As I began to speak this is what I said:

Today we begin a new series about stewardship. I recently read from a Lily Foundation Report that 85% of pastors feel unequipped and uncomfortable teaching on finances and giving. Another stat I read said that 90% of the churches in North America do not have an active plan for teaching Biblical principals about finances. In the Bible, there are 40 verses on "baptism", 275 verses on "prayer", 350 verses on "faith", 650 verses on "love" -- and 2,350 verses that relate specifically to finances and material possessions. My goal for this series is to challenge you to change fundamentally the way you think about living and how you live your life.

A major point in my message was that true generosity changes the way we live. The clip I used as an example is called Monopoly Gone Wrong. Enjoy:

If you would like to hear my message, simply click HERE.

If you made the decision to LIVE LARGE - a life of generosity and God has given you opportunity to step out in faith to live large this week - please post a comment and share with me about God used you this week.

I like what Winston Churchill said: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. This, I believe, is a trustworthy statement.

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