Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In the office today I am so encouraged about the many comments I have heard about my sermon last Sunday. You can hear the sermon on our podcast by clicking HERE and check out the overview of this series by clicking HERE
This coming Sunday I share about one of my favorite passages from 1 Kings 18 where the great prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal with the great declaration "How long will you waver between two oopinions? If the Lord God is God then follow Him; but if Baal is god, follow him." Then the SHOWDOWN AT SUNDOWN began. I have been priviledge to stand upon Mt. Carmel in Israel several times. For those who have not had the priviledge to stand upon Mt. Carmel - here is a short clip which gives you a view of the top of Mt. Carmel.

It is with great anticipation that I prepare to speak on Sunday. If you live in the Triangle Area - invite your friends to church to see a powerful display of God's presence. My prayer echoes the prayer of Elijah; "Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so these people will KNOW that You, O Lord are God, and that You are turning our hearts back to You." This is my earnest prayer and I beieve a trustworthy statement.

1 comment:

  1. A couple things....
    #1- I am proud of you for actually trying to keep up on this blogging thing (Lord knows, and so does everyone that knows me, that I couldn't do it) but...
    #2- You crack me up with how all your blogs are like mini sermons or teachings....Where's the good stuff like about how cute your daughter is, and all the funny, cute things (and I'm not talking about sermon cartoons)??? Come on Rick!!!! Maybe you need to spend more time with me so you are entertained or have entertaining things to talk about.
    :) Love you!
