Thursday, May 29, 2008

Alyse for a short visit

My series of messages at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene continues this coming Sunday. Last week I shared about things that mess up a good marriage. I concluded with a definition of marriage. Several people asked that I post this definition on my blog - so here it is:

"Marriage is the source of great and unspeakable happiness. Yet because of sin it is not unmixed happiness. But marriage is not first and foremost about making us happy. It is for making us holy. And through the covenant of marriage two Christians pledge to live together so as to make each other holy before God, as a testimony to Christ."
The source is from:

Over the past few days our grand daughter Alyse has been visiting us. Since I usually have to "steal" pictures from my daughter Stephanie's blog - here are some of my pictures:

One of the fun things Alyse gets to do at our home is to climb the stairs to the second floor where her bedroom is. She focuses on her task. Gammy is right beside her - watching her every move and ready to catch her if needed. Success is reaching the top of the stairs to grin at Papa and have her picture taken.

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