Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Conference report in 10 seconds

I have been praying about events and decisions taken at the General Conference of the Wesleyan Church. You may note my previous blog about when this Conference took place.

Recently I was able to check a posting on a blog by a friend

and find the overview of the results. Here they are:

General Conference just ended (we’re talking minutes, not hours-ago!)

I had the privilege of having a back-row “seat” via a live-chat with my buddy Glen Robinson who pastors in West Virginia. He gave me the last few minutes in play-by-play as we discussed some of the significant things that took place at this conference.

Here’s his top-10:

1. First-female GS elected - JoAnn Lyons (President of WHI).

2. All statements on social dancing removed (page 21) from Discipline.

3. Prohibition of merchandising on the Sabbath Day (page 21) was removed and now allows for this matter to be according to “personal conviction” as referenced to in Romans 14:5-6.

4. Prohibition of the motion picture theater (page 22) was removed.

5. All community members have full-voting rights on all issues (except for voting on covenant members). In addition, community members are not allowed to serve in specified leadership positions until they become covenant members.

6. Approved position statement on global poverty.

7. Approved position statement on human trafficking (page 110).

8. Approved position statement on immigration (page 101).

9. Approved position on domestic violence (page 98).

10. USF for global funding passed.

There’s three days of Conference into 10-seconds!

Dr. Jo Anne Lyon and Dr. Nina G. Gunter, the first women to be elected general superintendent in The Wesleyan Church and Church of the Nazarene, respectively.

As the Wesleyan Church was concluding the General Conference I was attending my first District Assembly with the North Carolina District of the Church of the Nazarene. On Friday evening Sharron and I stood before the Assembly as Dr. Nina Gunter - General Superintendent in the Church of the Nazarene conducted the Ordination Service which included a short ceremony of recognition of my ordination credentials with the Wesleyan Church to allow me to serve in the Church of the Nazarene. It was a privilege to share the platform with the newly ordained ministers and spouses. Prior to the service a picture was taken of this group including Dr. Mark Barnes - District Superintendent of the North Carolina District of the Church of the Nazarene and also the District Secretary Rev. Sherman Walters.

We congratulate Beth Bleadingheiser ( a member at North Raleigh) on her ordination and Rev.Geoffrey and Dawn LaLone who serve as pastor of Winston Salem First Church of the Nazarene. Geoffrey is the son of John and Jan LaLone who are members of North Raleigh.

Next week Sharron and I are planning to attend the District Conference of the North Carolina West District of the Wesleyan Church in order for me to keep my credentials with the Wesleyan Church in good standing.


  1. Just to clarify--the links you gave on some of the General Conference issues were to the memorials that were brought to the floor. Some of them were signifiantly amended before being passed.

  2. Wow, those are 10 great things!!!



  3. Hi, Rick. That's a good summary. One thing I would add about the new rule on Community Members. They have greater authority and privileges, but also greater responsibility. Yes, they have expanded voting privileges and can transfer membership, but they also have to fully embrace the Wesleyan Articles of Faith, which was not the case previously. So, Community members will now be expected to be Wesleyans!

    Grace and peace,
