Thursday, June 26, 2008

Family and Friends

On Monday June 23rd Sharron and I traveled to Hickory NC for the Annual District Conference for the North Carolina West District of the Wesleyan Church. The last time I attended the District Conference for the NC West District was in 1980 for my ordination in the Wesleyan Church. It is hard to believe that it has been 28 years since I attended my home district conference!

On Monday evening we enjoyed the service with evangelist Rev. David Gallimore. David is an evangelist with the Church of the Nazarene. On Tuesday morning the day began with a service on remembrance which included a beautiful communion service. Dr. Thomas Armiger is the General Superintendent for the area and presided over the business of the day. By late morning it was time for the election of District Superintendent due to the retirement of Rev. Henry Williams. Rev. Willimas has served the district faithfully for 20 years as DS.

The report of the nominating process took place and then nominations were made from the floor. There were two nominations made from the floor and it seemed the nominations were about to conclude when a good friend of mine stood to addressed the conference. When I heard the words " and now one of our favorite sons have returned to North Carolina, I place into nomination Rev. Rick Hudgens." My head dropped in prayer. When I addressed the conference I simply shared my spiritual journey and ministry record. I made a decision to share about who I am and not what I have done ( for it is God that works within me to accomplish His will).

The election took place on one ballot and I congratulate Rev. Jerry Lumston, Jr. newly elected District Superintendent of the NC West District of the Wesleyan Church! Later that day Jerry reminded me that I was his counsellor at youth camp many years ago. I am honored to have been considered for this position and believe with all my heart God's plan is at work. I have a peace within my heart that God has me right where I am suppose to be in ministry.

It was a privilege to take part in the ordination service on Tuesday evening. I entered the auditorium with the other ordained ministers of the district. I striking moment came when I realized that we entered the auditorium in order by the year of our ordination, with the most recent last and the most years in ministry first. It was striking when we were seated that I found myself on the second row from the front. I am glad that I was in good company - including a roommate from college - Doug Dennis - who walked in front of me.

Sharron and I departed Wednesday morning and made out way to Indian Trail, NC to see family. We enjoyed the lunch today with Josh, Stephanie and Alyse. Josh was able to join us before heading to work. Alyse loves to check out the fountains! Sharron and I are really glad that Alyse has come to Raleigh with Grammy and Papa - for a visit at our house. Those coming to Hudgen's Haven for the June birthday fellowship will have the added joy of spending some time with Alyse.

This week has had quite a bit of emotion attached to it as I revisited the past with many good friends at the NC West District Conference. People came up to me with memories that I had long forgotten. As I reflected on this this week I am amazed at the goodness of God. This week has been filled with family and friends. I feel very blessed to be called into ministry. I strive for my ministry and my life to be growing closer to God each day. I have sensed God's guidance and direction upon my life this week!

1 comment:

  1. We are so grateful that the Lord has led you to stay right where you are!
