Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A cheerful heart is good medicine

I just returned from a quick trip Indian Trail to spend one day with Sharron and Alyse; to see our good friend Joyce Ford and then to welcome Josh and Stephanie back from their cruise. I got to spend just a few moments with my good friend Doug Huber and share with him that one of our favorite comedians, Brian Regan, is releasing a new DVD in September. I think it is time for a little insight about humor on my blog. Here is one of my favorite clips from Brian Regan. It's entitled: "I walked on the moon."

Brian has always embraced a style of comedy that truly envelops the idea of using humor for laughter instead of sexual innuendo or vulgarity. Often times referred to as "clean" humor, Brian Regan evokes images of our childhood or everyday adult situations in a light that allows us to laugh instead of cry over the strangeness of life, or the mistakes we've made. Brian uses everyday examples - like the first day of school, or little league - to help us view ourselves in a new light - and then laugh about it. His creativity, enthusiasm, and rubber-faced expressions are a delight to people of all ages.

Brian was born into a family of four children, but the four following siblings turned it into a family of eight children (six boys and two girls). He has always credited his family for his comedy calling it a "funny family". Read more

If you liked the first clip, you will love this one, as Brian talks about Children's Books:

Brian's home page

Information about his new release next month

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine ... Proverbs 17:22a KJV

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