Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SYATP 2008

As the sun rose over Raleigh, NC there were 17 people gathered around the flag pole at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. Pastor Brittany Cottle presented each participant with a sheet of paper with the prayer request for the 30 active students of our church.

We prayed for students at Carroll Middle School, West Millbrook, Durant Middle, Leesville Middle, Wakefield Middle, East Wake Middle, Rejoice Academy, Heritage Middle School, Millbrook High School, Sanderson High School, Knightdale High School, Friendship Christian School and Leesville High School.

As we spent the hour in prayer there were prayers offered for students, parents, teachers, administrators and school staff members. Tears were shed as we prayed for each student by name.

All across our area students gathered around the flag pole of their local school to pray. SYATP is a nationwide event. We believe God is pleased and this is going to be a life changing year for some of our students.

Our gathering around the flag pole at NRN was a sign of unity for our students and parents. This is NOT a one time event. We commit to pray for our students at least once a week during the school year. If you do not have a prayer card with a student name and picture - please contact Pastor Brittany to obtain one.

What does it mean to our students to SYATP?

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

This, my friends, is a trustworthy saying...

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes one feels alone as a teen parent dealing with issues and wondering if the right stuff is sticking with your children. However, it has been so encouraging during the past few weeks to know that my church family is praying for my children and all the teens. On Sunday a lady approached me and shared with me that she was praying for my son. Words can't express the appreciation that I felt in my heart and the overwhelming relief that someone else was praying for him. Then I saw the photos on the blog of those praying around the pole for the teens. Once again the feeling of gratitude filled my heart. Much gratitude and thanks to all of you.
