Monday, October 13, 2008

Church Under the Big Top - THE BIG DAY!

Sunday was a blessed day at NRN as we celebrated our second annual

Special appreciation goes to Karen DeSollar and the members of the Christian Life committee (Brad Pope, Karen Joslin, Rodney Rhoads, Bill Shannon and Pastor Brittany Cottle). Their servant spirit is greatly appreciated. To all those behind the scenes – from ordering the food – to cooking the pigs – to serving the meal – to assist with parking – to keeping the nurseries – to running sound – to helping with clean up and all others. THANK YOU!

I especially appreciate my friend Ryan Walker (and Joy) for coming from Winter Haven Michigan to assist us in worship!

Church Under the Big Top was a great success and I believe everyone enjoyed their day. Though our attendance was lower than our event last year, there were several people making spiritual decisions and several new families visited us for the first time.

We had a drawing from the attendance registration cards and congratulations go to those for winning the $25 gift certificates courtesy of Red Robin. Also to Janice Pope for the 2 meals and beverages courtesy of The Barbeque Lodge – and to Sandy Floyd for winning the grand prize of the 8-10 lbs. baked ham.
Plan to join us next Sunday as I begin a new series of messages:

What do Noah, Zacchaeus, Jonathan, Samson, Job, Peter and Jonah all have in common?
Each of them had a relationship with God. In this seven-week series, we'll take a tour through the lives of these ancient men and discover what there is to learn from the life they lived and the relationship they had with our Creator. We will discover the contemporary lessons from ancient lives.

Next Sunday we will begin with the life of Noah. We will feature a baptism service at the close of the message. You will not want to miss this service!

Also on Sunday we launch a number of new adult elective Sunday School Classes. Are you looking for a place to connect with others at NRN? Then – now is the time to select the class of your choice and join us this Sunday at 9:45am You can review the selection of classes and register by clicking HERE!

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