Monday, November 24, 2008

God invaded our presence

Yesterday at North Raleigh we prayed for the Lord to invade our presence. I was amazed as I gave an opportunity for people to share a testimony of thanksgiving how the Holy Spirit moved upon us! I believe God was pleased as we offered praise to Him in our worship.

As I reflect on such a wonderful worship experience and prepare my heart for Thanksgiving I wanted to share a simple video that is well worth watching. The time length is only 1:43. I promise - It will bless you. It brought tears to my eyes and moved my heart to give thanks to the Lord!

As I asked on Sunday - Can I get a witness?

1 comment:

  1. you sure did get a witness....the Holy Spirit was really moving. it was great to hear all the testimonies and how thankful people are for what God has done and is continuing to do in their lives. we need to share that more often.
