Friday, December 12, 2008

Bringing Christmas Home - A story of Hope

The Seasonal Choir at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene had an important rehearsal on Wednesday as they sang through the musical to be presented this Sunday along with the drama presentation. Dr. Tom Alsbury has worked hard with the choir to prepare for this special event. Sue Baker and Bob Floyd were "running around" on Wednesday night working out the staging and drama cues. Jordan Whiteside worked to get the sound cues set and Sean Baker "nailed" the lighting cues! The drama team is doing really well!

This musical really hits home with me. It presents a clear message of salvation and the true meaning of Christmas. I believe I will be holding back the tears on Sunday when I get my cue to share during the few moments I have in the musical.
Before I walked out of the worship center I paused to speak to a friend who was a faithful attender prior to my coming to NRCN as pastor. He was at the church for a meeting later in the evening. I could not help myself as I invited him and his family to join us Sunday at 10:45am for the musical. We engaged in a great conversation as I shared how God is at work in our church! He relayed to me that he had spent many hours in our worship center in the past. I was sure that this evening, he sensed the presence of the Lord!
I really look forward to this coming Sunday at church. I have great anticipation that God will meet with us and lives will be changed! - By the way - That is a trustworthy saying!

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