Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Christmas Surprise

Christmas morning was filled with surprises. Under the Christmas tree in the family room at our daughter Stephanie's home were many gifts for each member of our family. Sharron and I once again experienced that the promise of it is more blessed to give than to recieve as we watched the expressions of Stephanie and Josh as they opened our main gift to them.

YES the gift in the box was exactly what we thought they would like.

Then they communicated the message that even though the gift was given to Josh and he opened the gift - Stephanie would enjoy it. Just go to her blog to read more. Sharron, Danielle and I also enjoyed receiving our gifts. I think Alyse may have been a little overwhelmed by it all.

Even before Christmas morning Sharron and I experienced some first surprises. My favorite was when we met Josh and Steph earlier in the week to pick up Alyse, who had been staying with us over the weekend. We met at a restaurant in Greensboro, NC and as we we concluding our meal, Alyse asked for something to drink and Josh instinctively gave Alyse something to drink - but it was her first taste of diet coke!

Stephanie seemed to be amazed until the realization hit her that her daughter had just had a taste of a soft drink! I think Alyse will now go back to her favorite apple juice (mixed with water) and a daily dose of milk.

We enjoyed our time with family on Christmas Day. We took time to visit a few stores late in the afternoon on Friday. Sharron reminded us from her Canadian roots that this was Boxing Day in Canada. Sharron and I returned from Indian Trail today. I have been sitting at my desk praying and preparing for Sunday at NRN. I am excited about our worship experience tomorrow.

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