Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

This has been a hectic week as Sharron and I have both been fighting with the flu - but thankfully we are both feeling better. Thanks for your notes of encouragement and prayers. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around Hudgens' Haven!

We really enjoyed the short visit from Alyse during this week. Her mom - Stephanie - arrived on Tuesday and off to Triangle Town Mall to see Santa. This year there were no tears - just amazement during the short conversation between Alyse and Santa.
Earlier that day we had been to Target to pick up a few things. As we purchased our items I pushed the cart filled with bags towards the exit. Sharron lingered for a moment and I heard laughter. When I turned to see what was going on - Sharron related to me the brief conversation that I missed. The cashier asked Alyse if Santa Clause was coming to her house. She replied: No - PAPA!

Today we concluded the third Focused Ministry Summit at the church. I am so thankful for all those who participated in this effort. We have worked hard to develop our church time line - establish our foundational values and ministry values and today write the first draft of our mission statement for the church. The church board will review our recommendations in January 2009 and we will begin the next chapter of ministry at NRCN.

I stopped by the worship center to see the children's choir in rehearsal for the worship experience tomorrow at NRCN. I appreciate the hard work of Rhonda Powers and all those who assisted to prepare for tomorrow. I look forward to once again seeing Christmas through the eyes of our children.

Here is a way to have a direct impact for Christ in our local community. With our partnership with North Raleigh Ministries, we are providing items to help create a meaningful Christmas morning for families in our area. You can participate by bringing a new toy that is age-appropriate for children and teens. In addition, we are assisting men and women by providing items for a Christmas stocking. Please bring these new toys and items (unwrapped) to the church no later than December 10, 2008. Your generosity will give these children a joyful Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Josh and I have decided that if you get the credit for being Santa, then we need to be reinbursed for a few things.
