Monday, January 19, 2009

An emotional day at NRN

Sunday was another great day at NRN. As we prepared for a time of prayer I shared a video clip about the Sanctity of Human Life. I believe this clip represents the view of the Church of the Nazarene. From the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene we read the following:

The Church of the Nazarene affirms the sanctity of human life as established by God the Creator and believes that such sanctity extends to the child not yet born. Life is a gift from God. All human life, including life developing in the womb, is created by God in His image and is, therefore, to be nurtured, supported, and protected. From the moment of conception, a child is a human being with all of the developing characteristics of human life, and this life is dependent on the mother for its continued development. Therefore, we believe that human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception. We oppose induced abortion by any means, when used for either personal convenience or population control. We oppose laws that allow abortion. Realizing that there are rare, but real medical conditions wherein the mother or the unborn child, or both, could not survive the pregnancy, termination of the pregnancy should only be made after sound medical and Christian counseling.

The Church of the Nazarene also recognizes that many have been affected by the tragedy of abortion. Each local congregation and individual believer is urged to offer the message of forgiveness by God for each person who has experienced abortion. Our local congregations are to be communities of redemption and hope to all who suffer physical, emotional, and spiritual pain as a result of the willful termination of a pregnancy.

May this be true of North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene!

Here is the clip. This clip is very emotional and moving. I am aware that one person had to step out of the service during the clip due to deep emotions. A parent thanked me for presenting this with our middle school and high school students present in the service.

I always value your comments ....

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