Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You try walking in my shoes

Today was a great day in the Lord. Some days are filled with laughter and other days are heavy upon the heart. Today was like the latter. Several important decisions were struggled through. Some "heavy" moments in talking to hurting people today.

I decided to share another clip on this posting. My wife says I am suffering from clipitis - the need to post clips - but when you watch it I think you will agree it was worth the time to watch. You may be compelled to watch it several times for full effect. This is only in fun - no one was injured ( as far as I know) in the filming of this clip.

You try walking in my shoes.....

I laugh at this because I remember living in the Washington DC area and watching the news on Channel 4. You may recognize George Michael from his syndicated sports show -The George Michael Sports Machine which aired from 1984 - 2007

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