Saturday, January 3, 2009

Living LIfe in High Definition - Bigger - Bolder - Brighter

Over the past week I have been reading a new book by Dr. Keith Drury. He is one of my favorite authors. He and I have been friends for many years. The newest book by Dr. Drury is called Common Ground: What all Christnas belive and why it is important.

The review on the Wesleyan Publishing House web site states:

What do Christians believe? Many young Christians today cannot fully answer this question. In contrast to previous generations, today’s believers were not taught the basic core beliefs of Christianity as children, but they want to know. They need to know. Common Ground by Keith Drury caters to this rising desire for doctrinal knowledge. Using the Apostle’s Creed as its guide, the book beautifully describes the core beliefs that all Christians at all times and everywhere have believed—God as Creator and loving Father, the virgin birth and divinity of Jesus, His death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit, the church, the second coming, final judgment, and eternal life.

Here is an excerpt from the book: Christians believe there is only one God. We do not mean that we believe our God is the top God or best God or God-in-chief. We believe he is the only God that exists. The Nicene Greed states it this way: “We believe in one God.” We are saying there is only one true God of the universe. This God is the God, this God is the only God, and this God is my God. We are not saying our God is equal with all the others or even better than the rest; we are saying our God is the one and only God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—the Creator of heaven and earth. —Excerpt from Common Ground by Keith Drury

One of the personal goals I have renewed is to read a book each week. This is my first read for 2009 and has been an excellent choice. I hope in the near future, if people are interested in this topic, we may begin a new Sunday School Connections class or possibly a small group study using this book. I highly recommend this book.

Tomorrow at NRN I begin a new series of messages entitled: Living a High Definition Life. I has worked and planned for several weeks to begin another series but the response from last Sunday and the leading of the Holy Spirit caused me to spend this week in preparing this new series. As I prepare for my first message of 2009 I have my manuscript completed. Here is a short excerpt of what I will be saying tomorrow:

It has been said, “Man’s chief purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” And certainly, this is true and this should be the great desire of our hearts. But in reality, if we reflect on the past week, what were our thoughts as we faced each new day? Were they on how we might change our spouse who doesn’t treat us the way we want to be treated? Or how we might handle that situation at work? Perhaps our focus was on the car which keeps breaking down, or some item we need that would make life a little easier? Or maybe our goal is simply to keep our head above water financially. Like a thief, the world has a way to intruding into our lives to steal what should be our focus or the major objectives of life. God doesn’t expect us to be oblivious to the problems and needs of life, but when our goals are God’s goals we are better able to look through our problems to the Lord and His supply. When our focus is on the Lord, something wonderful happens in us. It’s beginning to Live Life in High Definition - Bigger. Bolder. Brighter.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Heartland Christian Fellowship is also making "hi-def" the defining theme of 2009.
