Thursday, January 22, 2009

Need a financial bailout?

This coming Sunday at NRN I will be continuing in the series of messages about Living Life in High Definition. I am going over four habits we need to develop to life a life of spiritual maturity. My message was prepared and notes completed when I went to bed on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday I awoke with a thought about my message. Why preach such a traditional message about the tithe (which is the 3rd of 4 habits I am sharing)?

I was struck by the thought that when President Obama took the oath of office for the high position in our country - he placed his hand upon the Bible indicating that it is a book of absolute truth upon which all other truth is derived from. Following a night ( and early morning) of celebration, one of the first official acts of the newly elected president was to attend the National Prayer Service for the President of the United States. I believe this time honored tradition which indicates our national value that prayer is important. Later in day, the president met with his economic advisers.

The first habit of living life in high definition is to be a person in the Word of God - and taking time each day to feed your soul by spending time alone with God and in His Word - the Bible. The second habit is that of spending time with God in prayer. Telling God your needs and concerns and listening for His still small voice and directions he gives in His Word. The third habit deals with how we use our money. With that thought I revised my message and retitled it God's Financial Bailout Plan. If you think you need a financial bailout - I think this message may be for you.

Here is a clip that did not make the cut for this coming Sunday but I think you will enjoy it. It is a variation from a classic Christmas movie - you'll get it: It's a Wonderful Tithe!

Sunday is going to be a great day at NRN!
Come on - Let's make that bell ring this Sunday......

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