Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Trustworthy Sayings - Stephanie Style "The Yearbooks"

Hello all. It is me again. Stephanie. Pastor Rick's daughter. It has been awhile since I have taken over my dad's blog, but I thought that you might need some humor in your reading, so here I am.

If you are a reader of my blog, you may know that I have been working on a little project. Part of this project has lead me to a search of old family photos.

Well, when it comes to finding pictures of my father, it has been very difficult. Apparently there were no cameras in his household. Which is kind of odd since his father was once a photographer who travelled around taking school pictures for yearbooks. It also may explain my father's annoying tendencies to take pictures like the paparazzi. (The man takes pictures of EVERYTHING. Right now on his camera he has a picture of the television. Seriously! Why? Who knows.)

Anyway, in my search for pictures of him through the years, I asked my mom to pull out some of his high school and college yearbooks. I was hoping to find some pictures of him in his Jr. ROTC uniform, his football uniform, just a simple head shot, something!

I didn't find many pictures. Here are a few:

Sophomore year of High School

Senior year of College

Those are pretty entertaining, but my favorite part was reading all of his notes from all his classmates. Here are some tidbits that I thought must be shared:

  • First off, in high school he was called "Ricky", "Hudge", or "Juan" (as in Don Juan)

  • In high school he was a "lady killer"

  • In college, he was a "true friend" and "an inspiration" to many.

  • In both, he was "so helpful".
  • Many people enjoyed getting to know him
  • They also enjoyed being in class with him

Now, here are some special quotes

High School

  • "Ricky, I have had lotsa fun listening to your strange stories in Drivers Ed. Good luck with that girl in the 9th grade. I am sure after she gets to know you she will just love you to death. Have a good summer. Hope to be in a lot of your classes next year. - Pam"

  • "Ricky, you know that I think you are one of the most outstanding guys that I know. I think you are a swell guy. I really like you a lot. You know, there aren't many guys you can talk to these days, but you are one guy I can talk to. You're so nice. I think boys feel like girls are dumb, so thanks for putting up with my stupid girl talk and for eating lunch with me. Stay sweet and nice. Love you, Sherrie."
  • The one from "Your lover, Karen" is really long, but she had a lot of fun at the Sadie Hawkins Dance. She also knew that she was "not like all those other girls" and there was something about a tree house.... not sure what that was all about.

  • Finally.... "Ricky, Since we have gone steady, broke up, and then were back to being boyfriend and girlfriend, I find it hard to think of words to express my feelings. I guess you know that I will always love you. We have had some beautiful moments together. I'll cherish our moments forever and ever. Think of us and our great times, cuz they were. Maybe you did hurt me and I've felt like a rug sometimes, but I still love you anyway. Good luck to a wonderful guy. Love always, Nan"


  • ....."I think if I wrote all the good times we have had together it would turn into a novel. We have had a million laughs.... We have lived through all of our girl dramas. I think Lynn and I would have been broken up by now if it wasn't for you. Thanks for all your prayers and counsel..... I think of you not as a friend, but as a brother. My prayers are going with you. May God always bless you. Love, George" (*Note - Dad is still friends with George, and after he left, George and Lynn did break up.)

  • "Rick, I remember meeting in the dinner line when Rox introduced us. She said that this guy would come to mean a lot to me sometime, and sure enough, you did. Thanks for the rides home. Hope you enjoyed all the delicious brownies and cookies. Let me also say that my bowling score has greatly improved thanks to your expertise. I am going to miss you. Best of luck to you and Sharon. Love you, Julie" (*Note - This "Sharon" is NOT my mother. It was the other Sharon that he was engaged to.)

I could add more, but I am being censored. My favorite quote is not included, but I have it memorized for whenever I may need it in the future......

Well, I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into the life of Ricky/Hudge/Juan, now known as Pastor Rick. I think that I may start trying to make some phone calls to all those girls who wrote down their numbers in 1971 and see if they are still interested in a date.

(I am sorry to say that there were no clips available for this post.)


  1. These quotes put a whole new perspective to "Ricky's" younger years. I can't quit laughing!

  2. Ya'll are crazy! But probts to Stephers for making Rick's blog actually entertaining for me to read while I'm working hard at my little desk.

  3. Hey Juan. You were pretty cute. How are you??? (Your still nice looking lol)

  4. I'm just dying to know the quote Stephanie memorized but wouldn't put on here. Old yearbook quotes are the best. You still look a lot like you did back then...just a 'little' older. :)
