Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm just a grocery store bagger

Please watch the following video clip -- it is a story of Johnny, the grocery store bagger. It is very short, but it will remind you of why and how we make an impact in what we do. You may even want to share it with others, and I hope you will. It's amazing how one young Down's syndrome bagger made such a wonderful impact on those customers lucky enough to have Johnny bag their groceries!

To view this clip simply click HERE. Be sure and comment. Thanks

When you finish watching the clip -
write down what God has said to you.

Who will you call or email this week
and invite them to join you at church
this coming Sunday?

1 comment:

  1. That is so incredible that he turned a miserable/low end job into something amazing. Great Job Johnny!! Keep up the good work.
