Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Worst Album Cover - Round two

I realize it has been a while since my last posting. But here is my attempt to bring a smile on your face. Special appreciation goes to my friend Dennis quick for his assistance in this posting.

Well it's time for another round of “worst album covers.” To vote for the worst album cover simply make your selection and click on comment and place your vote. Feel free to leave a few thoughts about your selection. Enjoy!

I used to wear my hair like this - when I had hair to wear...

Guide me Lord to a new hair salon.

Do you think they had that creepy cultish look?

The Famous Cooper Family:

Known for their wild antics and casual style.

What do you think of these graphics?

I think this happened when he was cast out of heaven.

Truely a miracle.

Little Lowell also had great shoes...

I'm a sucker for bands with an accordion and a saxophone.

This album makes me want to lift my hands and spread'em.

You make the call - cast your vote for the worst album cover- Round Two.
As an added incentive - the first person of NRN to solve this simple puzzle I will have a free gift this coming Sunday. Unscramble the letters to form the word I am am searching for:


  1. Oh man, another great selection of album covers. I'm going to have to go with "Satan is Real." I know the answer to your puzzle but since I don't go to NRN, I'll keep it in my "skull."
