Monday, June 22, 2009

James and the Chicken Dance

Well - I am finally back. I have missed posting for the last week but the week was full of events and I was away from the computer when I wanted to post. Here is a posting on our Vacation Bible School which concluded on Sunday morning:

Vacation Bible School at NRN

Here is the video presentation Pastor Brittany prepared for last Sunday. VBS was great at NRN this year. Special appreciation to Sandy Floyd and those who helped paint and prepare the backdrops and to Brian Cottle for the craftsmanship on the set. Also to ALL the volunteers - Thank you for your service to the Lord. We rejoice in the number of changed lives and for the 8 children who accepted Christ as their Savior!

This past Sunday at NRN was filled with shouts of praise and laughter!

James Cook demonstrated his servant spirit by allowing the chocolate syrup to cover him to hold the feathers applied and enjoy the "chicken dance" as we applauded!

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