Thursday, June 25, 2009

A little chuckle

When I feel really busy and face a "brain freeze" about posting a blog - I usually think of this little clip that seems to always make me chuckle.

My understanding that there were no models injured during this taping.

I am also reminded by this clip that before I criticize anyone I should consider walking a mile in their shoes.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! What a BLOG!! Just discovered your great church resource thanks to Marilyn who showed it to me on last Sunday's church folder. Am I impressed with all the church information for the members. This is the best source of church communication I've seen during the past 15 years with our church! I'm overcome with your work in this area and the power it offers for our members!!

    I have a folder for you this coming Sunday from the National Office that I would like to recommend to you. I'll give you the package for your consideration following the service. O.K?.
    Marilyn and I will be taking a break and visiting Iowa next week to celebrate her 60th Anniversary from graduating from her High School in North English, Iowa. We'll be gone for just five days. You know, I met Marilyn on a "Blind Date" when I was a Freshman at the University of Iowa where my parents also graduated. And.. I've been BLIND ever since!

    I attended Iowa with my twin brother Gene for
    four years there. And, then joined the Navy Reserve for 21 years!
    How grateful we are for your ministry and talents as our Pastor. We feel very blessed each Sunday to be with you and our fellow church members. Perhaps, I can visit with you in your office about the resources I've found that might be of interest to you from the National Office.

    Many thanks for your continuing Ministry to us and may the Good Lord continue to bless you and your beautifal family, I pray.

    See you tomarrow when Britney speaks. She will be sourly missed by all the Children as well as the Adults!
    Thanks you so much for your continuing service to all of us and may the Lord continue to guide you and the congregation for the Glory of Jesus!

    Yours in Christ: Dean Kenny
