Monday, August 31, 2009

Standing in the GAP

I arrived at North Topsail Beach last evening. As I prepared to settle for the evening I took time to reflect on the last few weeks with points of stress and difficult decisions. Recently I heard a podcast describe the ups and downs of serving in pastoral ministry. I discovered a new strategy of "Getting on the Balcony". It means to simply to rise about the fray of task and responsibilities to gain perspective. A simple law to stand in the G.A.P (Gain Another Perspective).
As I prayed I felt the pressures and stress of ministry melt away. I asked God to help me awake this morning with another perspective about some issues I am facing.

Early in the morning I heard the voice of my grand daughter Alyse as she called Grammy - Papa! I reached down and picked up her small frame and she laid quietly and fell back to sleep between Sharron and I. When I began my day I felt refreshed.

We enjoyed a short family outing today and Stephanie took a picture of me standing in the store.

Just one day of vacation can help you

gain another perspective.


  1. The picture is hysterical. It's amazing what a difference a day makes!

  2. The picture is hysterical. It's amazing what a difference a day makes.
