Sunday, August 2, 2009

We are blessed

Today was a GREAT day at NRN! "On this Sunday as I celebrate my 2nd anniversary as Lead Pastor ..." I was so encouraged by the applause as I spoke those words. Then I repeated the first message I preached at NRN titled "How Much You Matter to God" I received many encouraging comments following the service! I found out this evening that a new friend - RunnerBev posted about my message on her blog. Check it out!

Here is a different view of the song that is connected with my sermon:

Congratulations to my daughter Stephanie and Josh
as they celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary.

It seems like just yesterday they were married on the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University.

As they have "escaped" to have some time together - guess who is at our house?

Alyse snoozed very well in her new car seat on the trip from Charlotte to Raleigh on Saturday.

And then enjoyed a full day on Sunday. She seemed very attentive as Mr. Phil spoke to her today. She was waiting as patiently as a 2 1/2 year old child could to hear our name called at Cracker Barrel. Yes - she ate her vegetables....

As we traveled in our car home from the restaurant Sharron turned to me and said " Rick, I love this time of our life." We are blessed to be near family in NC; to be close to such dear friends; and to serve the Lord in pastoral ministry at a great church - NRN!

1 comment:

  1. Un, so Alyse doesn't look that happy....that's how I feel when you make me eat at Crackle Barrel too!
