Monday, September 14, 2009

A picture tells a thousand words - Caption contest

As I plan to blog each week there are times that I go to the site to post and then stare at the screen wondering if I have any thing worth saying. Today I feel a little "brain dead" after a full Sunday and several meetings today in the office. With that - a picture tells a thousand words - so - here are some pictures from my fun animal collection. Enjoy and hope it brings a smile.

It is always good to scratch that itch:

I love the comfort of an ole hound dog:

Sometimes I can't win for losing:

What shade did she recommend?:

There's more than one way to catch a mouse:

Did I make you smile?

Now it's time for the caption contest: Please post your coment with the caption you recommend for the following picture. The winner's comment will be posted later this week. And now the picture:


  1. I am to pooped to participate

  2. Nothing like a great Sunday afternoon NAP....uh....I game!

  3. Who said it was only for possums?


    Cozy Spot - $1000
    Nap of a Lifetime - Priceless
