Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Practice of the Presence of God Part 2

Last Sunday I shared about the Practice of the Presence of the God. As the worship experience came to a close God brought to my mind a simple example of how to daily practice the presence of God.

A few years ago I was suffering for some medical issues which took me to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Sharron and I were there for 27 days and each day the doctors met with us they told us that I possibly had cancer. To the glory of God - cancer was never found in my body - and except for a thyroid problem was pronounced very healthy. The first few days at Mayo were very trying. One test that was taken was to wear a blood pressure cuff on my arm and have the "leads" taped to my chest to record my heart and blood pressure. I wore this apparatus for 24 hours. As I would walk from one department for teat - to another - I would feel the blood pressure cuff begin to apply pressure and I would simply STOP and allow the test to take place.

As Sharron and I would walk to my scheduled appointments we would notice other people walking alone who would suddenly just stop and stand in place. They would pause for a moment, then go on their way. I understood this because I too would follow that procedure to have my blood pressure taken.

This is a simply example of how to go about our daily, busy lives but take moments along the way to simply stop - pause and sense the presence of God. Take a pause that refreshes and practice the presence of God in your life. I encourage you to think about this example and try it for yourself.

This week I have been encouraged by listening to one of my favorite Christian artist - Keith Green. Here is a clip of him singing a song that ministered to me this week. It carries a great message.

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