Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Interceding Prayer

Each day is filled with times of interceding prayer. I pray for the request from the NRN prayer chain. I pray for family and friends. I pray for dear friends who serve as missionaries around the world. I pray for the person who comes to the door of the church needing help and assistance.

Then God places a serious need right before you when you least expect it. Sharron and I finished our day of service at the church and met friends for a nice dinner. On our way home we turned at an intersection and saw this accident. The people inside the automobile had been evacuated and the ambulance had just left the area. It makes you pause and thank God for His hand of safety upon us. I paused to pray for those involved in this potentially life changing event.

Sharron and safely returned home and she encouraged me to check out my daughter Stephanie's new postings on her blog. I just had to "steal" these two pictures and comment on our newest grand daughter Breeley May:

Comment: How precious! Well, no bows, but plenty of ruffles...

Comment: That is a perfect expression of pure joy! Just six weeks old....

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