Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We are so blessed!

This past Saturday was a special family event as we attend the dedication service for Breeley May. It was a fun experience as the worship center at Elevation Church in Charlotte was decorated with tables covered with child friendly items and the platform decorated with transportation devices from a car seat to a motorcycle and things between. They represented the stages of growth and development as a baby grows to adult hood.

An excellent presentation was made about role and responsibilities of parenthood. It was a moving time when Josh took Breeley into his arms and began to pray for her and then as Stephanie and Josh prayed to dedicate Breeley to the Lord.

We were so glad that Danielle could join us for this family event. It brought joy to my heart to see her smile and enjoy the moment as she held Breeley in her arms.

The Saturday morning event was very special to us. Sharron and I are proud parents and grand parents. God has so richly blessed us! We are thankful.

For more insights about this special day - check out Stephanie's blog.

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