Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Family Christmas 2010


While Sharron and I were in Raleigh at the Christmas Eve Service at NRN
- Alyse had prepared the cookies and milk for Santa's visit later in the evening.

Soon after Sharron and I arrived - in the early morning hours of Christmas Day - we heard a noise from the family room and Santa was actually caught in front of the the family tree and the at the fireplace where the stockings were hung with care.

A little after 7:00am Alyse made sure everyone was awake and ready for the family events of Christmas Day. We began by gathering in the main bedroom and listening as Josh read the account of Jesus' birth from Luke Chapter 2. Then we sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.

Now it was time to make our way tot he family room. Sharron and I led the way as Stephanie helped Josh with the girls - then she joined us with camera in hand.

There were sounds of glee by Alyse. She was almost overwhelmed by the gifts left by Santa and gifts from family that awaited her.

Since it was Breeley's very first Christmas morning - we were so glad when she paused to "pose" for this picture in front of her gifts.

Later in the day Danielle and her family joined us for breakfast and to share some gifts. I love this picture of Danielle holding her son Jordan and his niece Breeley.

And here is Jordan with his first family photo of Christmas 2010.

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