Friday, February 25, 2011

A must see - THE GRACE CARD

Today is the release of the new film: The Grace Card. The opening weekend is always important for any film. This film is truly worthy of your attention. I highly recommend this film and encourage all my friends to see the film - and then take someone with you to the movie this weekend.


Here is the trailer:

Looking forward to seeing your comments about this movie....


  1. Thanks so much for your sharing the news about The Grace Card movie that releases to theaters today (2/25/2011)!

    Very quickly, I wanted to let you know about THE GRACE CARD app released on Facebook last weekend! This app provides you and your fans/friends the opportunity to share an exclusive 5-minute clip of the movie with their friends!

    Please feel free to share this information/links on your blog as well:
    "WATCH an exclusive 5-minute clip from the The Grace Card movie's FACEBOOK page before it opens in theaters across the nation next Friday, 2/25/2011!"

    1. DIRECT LINK to app:
    2. Link to Grace Card fan page:

  2. Truly an inspirational film that God obviously inspired that it be made. Thank you God and the people that put the entire movie together cast and crew.

  3. everyone should see the Grace Card will not be disappointed in this film!
