Friday, February 24, 2012

Lenten Devotional for Friday February 24.2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Scripture Reading: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. - Romans 15:13

Thirteen years ago—April 20th, 1999, to be exact—a 17 year old named Cassie, crouched under a desk in her high school library. An armed assailant entered the library, and seeing her, stooped beneath the desk where the girl hid to ask one simple question: “Do you believe in God?” The girl paused for but a second before replying, “Yes, I believe”. These three words were the last she would ever speak. This girl’s name was Cassie Bernall, and she was one of 12 students killed by fellow students at Columbine High School.

It seems so easy to get caught up in the hectic schedule of school or work obligations, to focus on the balance of time spent with friends or family and time fulfilling day-to-day duties. We so often fall into the trap of basking in the goodness of life that we fail to remember and give thanks to the giver of all good things. Sometimes, it’s not until we feel our world shaken that we become aware of the distractions we have allowed to fill His place. Sometimes, it’s not until we’ve fallen on our faces with life’s hardships that we remember where we should have gone all along: to our knees. Place your hope and joy in things of this world—school, work, success, friends—and you’ll be let down every time. Place your hope and joy in the Lord, believe in His love and the peace He offers unconditionally to all of us, and, as Cassie so courageously demonstrated, not even the fear of death can take away that strength.

Prayer: Loving Father, guide and grant us strength as we navigate the exultations and tribulations we must constantly face in this life. Be with us, and let us never forget to turn to you in both the good and the bad. May we always remember it is in you that our ultimate hope and joy must lie, and may we never fail to accept the ceaseless love and peace which only you can offer. Amen.

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