Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A powerful story you should see

Over the past few weeks I have been preparing to post on my blog. Time and time again I prepare a post and find myself distracted from posting. I started the year with a resolve to post more in 2012 but have failed with that resolve. As I type these words I sence a renewed resolve to begin to post again. Lenten Season is upon us and I plan to post often about what this time of the year means to me.

I was moved by a recent video clip that came my way. I felt I had to share it with you. This is a powerful story of a Satanist who plotted to kill Pastor Craig Groeschel and instead finds new life in Christ.

Practical Thought: Watch this video and share your thoughts on this story. How does this video change your perspective on reaching the lost?


  1. What a powerful clip. God is always at work, even when it appears that evil will prevail. God never gives up.

  2. Powerful clip. God is always working even when it appears evil will prevail. Never doubt what God is doing in someone's life.
