Monday, July 30, 2012

Grand kids...what a blessing!

In February, 2007 I was in a missions trip to Ecuador.

 My wife Sharron was in Charlotte, NC to be with our daughter Stephanie as she awaited the birth of her first child -our first grandchild.  A call came that I should hurry to Charlotte and I quickly departed our home in Topeka, KS. to travel to Charlotte.  On March 1 Sharron and I arrived at the hospital at 10:00am to be with Stephanie and Josh for the birth of their first child.  It was a long day - then the BIG moment came: 11:43 pm – Alyse Nicole vanAlmen was born! 7lbs. 1 oz. 20in.

Sharron and I began the next phase of our journey through life.  It was hard to believe but we were now grandparents.  I would be called Papa and Sharron would be called Grammy.  It wasn't long that the life changing decision was made to depart our ministry in Kansas and make our way back toward North Carolina.  We can read of this transition in the early postings of this blog.

Today, Sharron and I are so blessed!  I am honored to serve as Lead Pastor at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene in Raleigh, NC.   Josh and Stephanie now have two little girls - Alyse and Breeley.  Our daughter Danielle is married to Jesse and they have Jayden, the daughter of Jesse from a previous relationship and our only grandson, Jordan Richard.  (I love to add Richard though we simply call him Jordan.) 

Over the past few days our grandchildren have visited.  Even at this posting Jordan is asleep in his room and Jayden is enjoying the last few minutes before the TV goes off and she goes to sleep.

Here are a few pictures to display why grand kids are such a blessing!

Alyse and Breeley love to go to Cracker Barrel.  Each visit following the meal is a time for shopping and then sitting on the porch in a rocking chair or play a game of checkers:

Breeley really enjoys it when Alyse is moving the checkers.

Following the time at CB, we made our way to Target for special purchase.  Sharron has a Jones Fracture in her right foot and instead of crutches - she opted for the free use of a scooter cart.  Alyse is helping her drive and Breeley is enjoying the ride.

Today we took Jayden and Jordan to one of Jayden's favorite restaurants:  Steak and Shake.
Jayden concentrates on the proper placement of the stickers on the paper car.

While Jordan works hard on the picture he is coloring.  He looks great in the hat~  He is an original!

I brings joy to my heart each time a hear one of our grand children say Papa! My friends - Grand kids... what a blessing!  This is trustworthy saying.

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