Saturday, November 3, 2012

Preparing for worship at NRN on Nov 4 2012

This has been an awesome week full of great new memories.  The Trunk N Treat event at NRN was well attended and fun for all.  Sharron and I traveled to Charlotte following the event and enjoyed a birthday dinner with our daughters and their families.  I plan to post more about this soon.

Right now I am preparing for tomorrow's worship at NRN.  First - let me remind you of something important you need to do this evening to prepare for worship tomorrow:

Here is the worship set planned for tomorrow:

Our special guest tomorrow will be Joshu and Paige Stines.  They have completed their term of service in Poland with Mission Corps of the Church of the Nazarene.  It was an honor for our church family to join in partnership with them.  Tomorrow I plan to allow them to share about their ministry in Poland and we will pray for them as they begin the next chapter of their ministry.  Joshua and Paige are faithful servants of the Lord and God is using them in a great way.

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