Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Advent Devotional - A Great Exchange

“I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow.” 
                                                -Jeremiah 31:13b
The phone rang on a quiet Saturday afternoon and I went to answer it thinking that perhaps a friend was calling with a plan that might break the boredom that was about to set in. Sadly, the recorded voice on the other end of the line dispelled that notion right away. It was only an automated caller who wanted a few minutes of my time to participate in an “important” survey.
Still, the request came with what appeared to be a very tempting promise. In exchange for my valuable opinions I would be connected to a travel advisor who would assist me in receiving two free tickets for a cruise in the Bahamas.
Maybe I’m overly suspicious, but I doubt that answering a five-question automated telephone survey would actually have netted me a free trip to the Bahamas. It’s not often that people get something of great value in exchange for something so small.
Our text for today offers something extraordinary, as well. It is the promise of redemption for God’s people. These words of the Lord paint a picture of plenty—the bounty of a good harvest instead of want, gladness in place of mourning, comfort and joy instead of sorrow.   It is a scene of abundance that calls to mind a great celebration.
During Advent we are invited to believe that this promise is sound. Unlike the dubious offer of a “free” cruise, God’s promises are always true. God is faithful and will redeem his people.
Prayer:  Faithful God, help us to trust in your promises. We look forward to the day when our sorrows will be exchanged for great joy. We rejoice in this great hope.
Source:  Valerie G. Rempel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, J.B. Toews Chair of History & Theology, Fresno Pacific  Biblical Seminary


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