Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another birthday and still smiling

Today is my birthday!  My wonderful wife Sharron allowed me to "sleep in" today. When I sat at my desk for my daily devotions there was an envelope placed in front of the monitor and as I read the card it brought tears to my eyes.  My phone already had several text to wish me a Happy Birthday. 

Sharron encouraged me to check my Facebook page where over 130 postings to say happy birthday were on my timeline.  I was especially blessed by two:

  To the sweetest man on earth HAPPY BIRTHDAY  Rick Hudgens. You have loved me for the past 35 years but pulled out all the stops this past year. Thank you for letting me be where I needed to be and especially being there for me, taking care of me and just loving me. I am a blessed woman. Love you Sharrie  * My wife Sharron

Janna wrote: "Happy birthday PR Rick Hudgens . Thank you for an amazing biblical foundation you taught me as a youth. So many times I remember and repeat your words of wisdom. Just this past Sunday at our church picnic I reminded someone to eat dessert first as you never know when Jesus might return to take us Home."

Since I began my blog I often post on my birthday with the title - still smiling.  Here's why:


Another anniversary of birth.  I am a bles

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