Friday, February 1, 2013

February - Purification

 February was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification. The purification ritual Februa was held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar and it was a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins. Purification is an act of becoming pure or clean. One definition of purify is “to free from guilt or evil.” The book of Esther explains that young maidens went through a season of purification customs before being presented to the king. This was required before he could choose the new queen. We, too, must have a time of purification before being presented to our King. If we plan on seeing King Jesus and being like Him, then we’re going to have to purify ourselves, even as He is pure. (1 John 3:2-3)
How do we purify ourselves? By living according to the Word of God! (Psalms 119:9) We have to cleanse our way according to the Word of God – letting His Word take hold of us. Many feel they are purifying themselves by making mere outward changes. Though these are important – we can’t neglect the necessity of cleansing ourselves within. (Matt 23:25-26) The Pharisees may have appeared to be clean – but inside they were filled with all kinds of uncleanness. Purity is a matter of the heart and one's moral character. Though Jesus forgives us of our sins, some of those sinful habits and ways continue to rise up. We can’t seem to gain the victory over them.
Many, after having received Jesus Christ as their Savior, go on for years and years with those old ways still in their lives. They continue  in their carnal ways: smoking, getting angry, lying, cheating, etc. It’s not that Jesus didn’t give them new life in Himself, but they yielded back to those old ways, rather than refusing to give in to them. We need to purify ourselves from all that is not of the new creation. Purification is our responsibility. (James 4:7-8) (2 Tim 2:21) (2 Cor. 7:1)
Maybe you aren’t committing adultery or murder – but is your heart filled with envy, jealousy, bitterness, resentment? Is it filled with stubbornness or rebellion? What about a lust for pleasure and the things of the world? Is that still in your heart? The words we speak come from the abundance of our hearts! To see God our hearts must be pure! (Matthew 5:8) Don’t let anything stand in the way of your entering the kingdom of God. Examine your life, and take the time to purify your heart. It’s very clear that God demands a pure heart if you are to make it into His kingdom. So don’t think that you can make it into heaven without first purifying your heart.
Examine yourself, and be sure you’re right with God – in every area of your life. If there are things there that shouldn’t be there, seek the Lord until they are put away. If you add a drop or two of poison into a glass of pure water, it is no longer pure.

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