Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Crisis Care Kits

Over the past few weeks we have been collecting items for Crisis Care Kits.
It is not too late to bring your items and participate in this project to help others in need.

Disasters happen.  That is an unfortunate fact of life.  Many times the victims of these disasters are left without even the most basic needs and supplies.  Crisis Care Kits are designed to help meet that need.  When a disaster happens these kits are distributed to those in need to give a little comfort and the encouragement to know that someone cares!  If you would like to prepare one of the kits, several kits or simply donate some of the items needed for the kits you can be assured they will be used to help meet a great need when a crisis arises.  The list of what should be included in the kits is HERE

You may bring the kits to the church office during the week or leave them at the welcome center in the  church lobby.  Please call the church office to arrange for someone to meet you to accept your donations. To see what the Church of the Nazarene has done with these kits both in the U.S. and around the world click HERE.

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