Thursday, September 26, 2013

Alyse begins First Grade

Sharron and I are on a much needed time of vacation.  We only have a few days left before we return to Raleigh and jump into ministry responsibilities.  One special day was spent last Monday at Stephanie and Josh's home as our grand daughter Alyse began first grade.

The classroom was prepared and ready on Sunday evening:

On Monday morning school began promptly at 9:00am.  Before school began I was moved as I saw Josh read the girls a book and then the Scripture reading for the day.  Then the family prayed as they began a new year of school.
Here is the official picture for the day:
And of course, some "unofficial" pictures located in Papa's camera:
Papa got a big smile
Alyse's favorite...
 It is now official - Alyse's journey of First Grade is underway.......

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