Monday, September 9, 2013

Road Trip to ENC

A modern miracle of God took place last week.  I shared at church on Sunday September 1st that we were on the verge of a miracle.  As the Labor Day activates came to a close the following day, I received the phone call  the God had opened the door for a young man in our church to go to college.  The testimony of this young man is moving and the Lord opened a door to impact his life forever. 

I became aware that our youth pastor - Pastor Jordan was going to take this young man to college.  The 12 hour trip from Raleigh to Quincy, Mass. is a large undertaking, especially the return trip home if you are alone.  Late Monday evening I sensed God speaking to my heart that I should go on the road trip.  We departed my home at 5:00am and arrived on campus at 5:15pm.  The welcome on campus was awesome and the people were so gracious and helpful.  It was a great trip.  Here are a few pictures of the campus and our time there:


By Wednesday afternoon the registration process had concluded, the placement test taken and finally the class schedule established and the dorm room assigned.  Time to move Esdras in:

As we prepared to depart for the journey home a few last pictures to mark the occasion:


This is his "sad" face.  As soon as the picture "snapped" he bent over in laughter.
When I asked Esdras if he was nervous - he said "Excited"! 
It's going to be an awesome semester for him....

Here is a brief campus tour:

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