Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reflection of my message today - This is the truth....

God is so good!  I am confident in my heart that God met with us in power this morning.  Here is a reflection of my message today:

More than 50 years have passed since Jesus' death on a cross and His subsequent resurrection, and throughout the Roman world at the close of the 1st century the disciples of Jesus and their disciples have spread His message and built a thriving church. But after the great fire of Rome occurred on July 19, AD 64, the Caesar Nero blamed this growing religious sect known as "Christians" for the fire. He did that to combat doubts about the part he had in causing the fire. What a brilliant strategy — blame the Christians — they were trouble anyway claiming that God was greater than all other gods, and greater than Caesar as well. The Roman world was a world filled with gods and was inclusive of the Gods of people conquered into the Empire. Yet in spite of their claim that Jesus was the only way, Christianity continued to grow.

Here is a great overview of the teaching series I closed today:

This is written from God's perspective to the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3 as a whole. My hope is that this maybe inspires you because we are the church and we are called to be the body of Christ to the world. Satan will tell us that we are not worth it and that we have no chance of making any difference but God's Word reminds us that Satan and the world have been overcome by the power and blood of the perfect lamb, Jesus Christ. That same power lives inside of us and gives us the victory. All that is left is for us to take action. So let us arise, church, for the the battle is won and the victory is ours!
Blessings and peace to you.

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