Monday, December 2, 2013

My Thankful list - a devotional thought for today

A devotional reading for today:

Gratitude doesn’t always come easy when the circumstances in my life aren’t conducive to praise. But God doesn’t want me to wait for the right circumstances in order to give Him thanks. We are called to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2).

I’ve discovered that when I focus on Jesus and less on me, I’m more prone to be grateful. Fixating on me means my thoughts are more self-centered and not God-focused—and that’s not a good place to be. Believe me, I’ve been there! In this place where it’s all about “me,” I can easily get bogged down in what’s not right in my life, what’s painful, what’s distressing, and forget how much I do have to be thankful for.

First on my list of things for which I am grateful is my salvation. Sometimes I forget how truly amazing God’s grace is. I did nothing to earn my salvation, yet Christ paid a steep price—His death on the cross for my sins! That God would love me so much that He wanted me to be with Him for eternity is baffling beyond words. Yet John 3:16-17 says it so succinctly: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

I’m also grateful for the fact that I can talk to God in prayer—and that He actually hears and answers. I have seen some pretty amazing answers to prayer—some almost immediately and some that after 35 years are just coming to fruition. Others I may never see answered, at least not in the way I think best. But I know that God does answer.

Right up there with prayer is the Bible, God’s real and reliable Word preserved down through the centuries that is as relevant today as it was a millennia ago. It truly is a “lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105).

I’m thankful too for the spectacular world God gave us (marred by sin though it is) that teaches me so much about His creativity and His love for every one of us. A walk in the woods or a careful examination of the plants and creatures in my backyard evidences the limitless imagination, humor, and wonder of my Father, the Creator.

I’m truly thankful for my family, even though (to be honest) family concerns and conflicts can often be the source of some of the troubles that keep me from praise. Yet that also is a cause for gratitude. Since God more often grows us through our trials, our families can give us lots of opportunities for growth. Families can teach us about love and patience and about giving of ourselves to others.

That’s just a beginning. I’d be remiss not to mention my church, my friends, my job, good books, food of all kinds, especially chocolate.

That’s my “grateful” list. So, what’s on yours? Feel free to comment below. My prayer for you today  is that you will cultivate a heart of gratitude not only at Thanksgiving, but every day throughout the year.

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